Customer Support

24/7/365 Support

Need help with your phone service? Having trouble connecting to the internet? Wheat State Technologies offers free customer support from expert technicians all day, every day. Our help desk is here for you by phone or email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Support Inquiries
Contact Support via Email

General Internet Connectivity Information

DNS Servers
Primary DNS –
Secondary DNS –

Mail Servers

IMAP (Incoming Mail) –
Port 143 or 993 (SSL/TLS)
Authentication required
Password: youremailpassword

SMTP (Outgoing Mail) –
Port 25 or 465 (SSL/TLS)
Authentication required
Password: youremailpassword

Web Servers
Website –

Troubleshooting Tips

1. Restart your computer. This is the number one fix for all computer related

2. Power cycle your router. Do this by unplugging the power to your router, wait a few seconds, then re-connect the power and let it sync back up.

3. Our broadband requires that your Router or Computer (if you do not have a router) be registered to our servers. Your Router or Computer’s MAC address is obtained and setup when you order broadband service. If you get a new Router or Computer (only if you do not have a router), we will need to update our servers with your new WAN MAC address.

Find Your MAC Address

Wheat State Technologies must have your MAC address on file to connect. To find your MAC address, follow these instructions:


  • Windows 8/10
  • Click Start
  • Type: “cmd”
  • Open Command Prompt
  • Type: “ipconfig /all”

This will list your Network connections. We need the Physical Address (MAC).  It will be similar to this (00:1a:34:56:fa:12) in six groups of two letter  number combinations from 1-9 and A-F.


To find the MAC address on a router you typically have to log in to the router’s web interface and locate the “WAN MAC address.” Sometimes the WAN MAC address can be located on the sticker on the outside of the case, but oftentimes this is only the LAN MAC address, not the WAN MAC address.

Online Security Tip: Choose A Strong Password

Weak passwords leave you vulnerable to fraud and make your online accounts susceptible to being hacked.

Fortunately, it’s not hard to create strong passwords — it just takes a little extra effort. The goal is to make a password appear to be a random string of characters to hackers, but easy for you to remember.

Here are our top five tips to help you create a stronger email password.

How to Choose a Strong Email Password

  1. Make it Lengthy Use at Least 8 Characters.
  2. Combine letters, numbers, and symbols. Use at least 1 of the following: number character,  an upper case letter, and a special character.
  3. Use a sentence as the starting point. Think of a memorable sentence, take the first letter of each word, then mix up lower case and upper case, and replace some letters with numbers and symbols.
  4. Avoid sequences or repeated characters. “12345678” or “222222”
  5. Don’t use dictionary words.

Criminals use tools that can rapidly guess passwords based on words in dictionaries, words spelled backwards, & misspellings.