lifeline consent form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Name *Address *Phone Number *Birthday *Last 4 digits of SSN *National Verifier Application ID *Are you eligible for benefit through a qualifying person? *YesNoQualifying Dependent Full Name *Qualifying Dependent Birthday *Qualifying Dependent Last 4 Digits of SSN *Please read and initial each statement to confirm you have read and understand the disclosures related to applying your Lifeline benefit to your Wheat State Technologies account.I am a Wheat State Technologies customer and am enrolled in the Federal Communications Lifeline Program. *YesNoI agree that Wheat State Technologies can transmit my information to National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD). *I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.PLEASE SIGN BELOW: I have read the Broadband Internet agreement carefully, fully understand its contents, and voluntarily agree to its terms. *Date *Submit