Internet Network Management Transparency Disclosure

Internet Transparency Statement

Wheat State Technologies (WST) is committed to providing broadband Internet access services (BIAS) in a manner that fosters an open and robust public Internet. Subject to reasonable network management practices, in providing Internet Service, WST will not: (1) block lawful content, applications, or services; (2) block or restrict end users from connecting and using any lawful device of their choosing (provided such device does not harm the network, and conforms to widely accepted and publicly available standards applicable to the service); or, (3) unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic.

Internet Transparency Statement

In the interest of providing the best online experience possible for all of its customers, WST utilizes reasonable network management practices tailored to achieve legitimate network management purposes. Because bandwidth is a limited resource for broadband Internet service providers, it is essential that WST reasonably manages its network to promote the use and consistent reliability of the Internet to all of its customers. By engaging in reasonable and responsible network management, WST may prevent its customers from being subjected to the negative effects of spam, viruses, security attacks, network congestion and other risks that threaten to degrade service. The network management practices employed by WST are consistent with industry standards.

Provider does not block or otherwise prevent end user access to lawful content, applications, service, or non-harmful devices.
Provider does not degrade or impair access to lawful internet traffic on the basis of content, application, service, user, or use of a non-harmful device.
Affiliated Prioritization
Provider does not directly or indirectly favor some internet traffic over other internet traffic, including through use of techniques such as traffic shaping, prioritization, or resource reservation, to benefit an affiliate.
Paid Prioritization
Provider does not directly or indirectly favor some internet traffic over other internet traffic, including through use of techniques such as traffic shaping, prioritization, or resource reservation, in exchange for consideration, monetary or otherwise.
Congestion Management
FIFO (first-in, first-out). Transmission of packets occur in the order the packets arrive in the FIFO packet queuing practice. Transmission packets are not queued by type. All Internet traffic packets are treated fairly without bias.

Network Performance

WST provides Internet service over American Made, Corning Glass fiber-optic cables utilizing a Passive Optical Network (PON) technology. WST’s fiber-powered broadband Internet is offered at speeds posted at WST has confirmed these speeds and latency ranges with internal testing and testing at customer premises using a publicly available speed testing server. Customer speeds experienced will vary depending on the following details: (1) premise size and construction type; (2) type of router and its location; (3) age of devices and how many are connected simultaneously; (4) whether or not the device is connected via Wi-Fi or hard-wired to the router. During most periods, users can typically expect delivered speeds ranging between 90-95% of the advertised speed purchased.

WST’s network performance tests may be conducted at the premise using the subscribed to Internet service plan between the Optical Network Terminal (ONT) at the customer premises and a service technician’s laptop hard-wired connected to the ONT at the premises. The percentage will vary depending on bandwidth overhead to deliver service to the premises, as well as other factors, such as customer location, the quality of the inside wiring within the home, upstream Internet traffic, usage during peak or off-peak periods of the day, and type of customer equipment used within the premise.


Latency is another measurement of Internet performance. Latency is the time delay in transmitting or receiving packets on a network. Latency is primarily a function of the distance between two points of transmission, but also can be affected by the quality of the network or networks used in transmission. Latency is typically measured in milliseconds, and when connected via a fiber-optic based network, has no significant impact on typical everyday Internet usage. As latency varies based on any number of factors, most importantly the distance between a customer’s computer and the ultimate Internet destination, including the number and variety of networks your packets may cross. Typical latency by Internet plan speed is included in the section below. WST strives to maintain its network such that customers can achieve a low round-trip latency to most general Internet sites over fiber Internet.

Pricing, and Terms and Conditions of Service

Information about WST’s pricing, Terms and Conditions of Service, Privacy Policy,
and Acceptable Use Policy, is available at

If you have questions or concerns about Internet policies or how WST manages the network, please contact us at 620.782.3341 or toll-free: 1/800 442.6835.